Saturday, November 6, 2010

Obama: "I'm a big believer in Net Neutrality."

All 95 Pro-Net Neutrality Candidates Lost On Tuesday

All 95 Pro-Net Neutrality Candidates Lost On Tuesday

What I believe about net neutrality

Net Neutrality is the principle of freedom in content in regard to the Internet. Advocates of net neutrality believe that content on the internet should be a service that is free for everbody to a access to. No government, groups, or equipment has the right to bock or censure such content.
I believe that the concept of net neutralty was brought up when the internet was beginning to be used by more and more people in the late 1990s and early 2000s. People have asked questions such as, Does the government have the right due to security precautions to regulate the content on the internet? Also, what are our rights to the internet? Is it protected under the first amendment? Those who are for net neutrality believe that the most important reason to support it is to pressure the peronal freedoms that everyone feels inside them. No government should be allowed the right to regulate access from its citizens who demand to have the knowledge of facts and truth.
According to the July 12th, 2006 article n USA Today entitled, Who will pay for the Internet superhighway, the opponents of new neutrality are cable/phone provides such as AT&T, Verizon who want Congress to stay out of the debate. They have said that their intent was never to block specific content but to "offer websites premium-priced delivery services to offset the phone and cable companies' multibullion-dollar investments in broadband."
In relation to net neutrality, my present stance is that I am truly in support of an internet thats content is not blocked by companies because I believe people should be well informed of the news that is occuring in their country. I do believe that if a country is involved in wars, such as is occuring in Iraq and Afghanistan, any war secrets that csn prove anyway detrimental in addition to dangering the welfare of our servicemen and women oversees should be limited to the public.